Hello World
Quick complete example to write and read from a DynamoDB table.
Define Codec Type Classes
Codec (Encoder and Decoder) type classes are required to write and read a value of type T
to and
from Java’s AttributeValue
import meteor._
import meteor.codec._
import meteor.syntax._
case class Book(id: Int, content: String)
object Book {
implicit val bookEncoder: Encoder[Book] = Encoder.instance { book =>
"id" -> book.id.asAttributeValue,
"content" -> book.content.asAttributeValue
implicit val bookDecoder: Decoder[Book] = Decoder.instance { attributeValue =>
for {
id <- attributeValue.getAs[Int]("id")
content <- attributeValue.getAs[String]("content")
} yield Book(id, content)
Client and Table
A meteor
client is required to perform DynamoDB actions. To create a cats-effect Resource
import cats.effect.Resource
import meteor._
val clientSrc: Resource[IO, Client[IO]] = Client.resource[IO]
Internally, a default Java DynamoDbAsyncClient
is created. Alternatively, you can also inject a
via Client.apply
method. Please note that meteor
’s Client
is considered
low level API since it is very similar to Java API, consider using the high level API below.
Table and Secondary Index
DynamoDB actions can be performed against a table or a secondary index of a table. To do so in
, the table or secondary index needs to be explicitly defined such as:
import meteor.api.hi._
val jClientSrc =
Resource.fromAutoCloseable[F, DynamoDbAsyncClient] {
Sync[F].delay {
val cred = DefaultCredentialsProvider.create()
val tableSrc =
jClientSrc.map { jClient =>
SimpleTable[F, Int]("books-table", KeyDef[Int]("id", DynamoDbType.N), jClient)
All supported index types are:
SimpleTable[F[_], P]
- represent a table with partition key (no sort key)SecondarySimpleIndex[F[_], P]
- represent a secondary index with partition key (no sort key)CompositeTable[F[_], P, S]
- represent a table with partition key and sort keySecondaryCompositeIndex[F[_], P, S]
- represent a secondary index with partition key and sort key
The Java AWS SDK client usually just takes a String
of table’s name. However, meteor
type parameters for table and secondary index, which are type(s) for partition key and sort key.
This is to internally build keys' AttributeValue
correctly and to deduplicate items in batch
Write and Read
It is recommended to use the high level API to interact with a DynamoDB table for simplicity. Low level API provides a Java wrapper client which has complicated interfaces, however, it is still useful to use low level API to create, delete or scan a DynamoDB table.
Using high level API
import meteor._
import meteor.api.hi._
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
object Main extends IOApp {
val jClientSrc =
Resource.fromAutoCloseable[F, DynamoDbAsyncClient] {
Sync[F].delay {
val cred = DefaultCredentialsProvider.create()
val booksTableSrc = jClientSrc.map { jClient =>
SimpleTable[IO, Int]("books-table", KeyDef[Int]("id", DynamoDbType.N), jClient)
val lotr = Book(1, "The Lord of the Rings")
val found = booksTableSrc.use { table =>
// To write
val put = table.put(lotr) // return IO[Unit]
// To read - eventually consistent
val get =
consistentRead = false
) // return IO[Option[Book]]
put.flatMap(_ => get)
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
found.map {
case Some(book) => IO(println(s"Found $book"))
case None => IO(println("No book found"))
Using low level API
import meteor._
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
object Main extends IOApp {
val dynamoClientSrc = Client.resource[IO]
val booksTable = PartitionKeyTable[Int]("books-table", KeyDef[Int]("id", DynamoDbType.N))
val lotr = Book(1, "The Lord of the Rings")
val found = dynamoClientSrc.use { client =>
// To write
val put = client.put[Book](bookstable.tableName, lotr) // return IO[Unit]
// To read - eventually consistent
val get =
client.get[Int, Book](
consistentRead = false
) // return IO[Option[Book]]
put.flatMap(_ => get)
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
found.map {
case Some(book) => IO(println(s"Found $book"))
case None => IO(println("No book found"))