Limitation: SQS HTTP API limits maximum message size of 256 KB and the message body needs to be provided as URL's query parameter, hence:
- we cannot make use of streaming message as request's body
- the message should only has characters that are safe for URL encoding
- you should always use HTTPS
However, it is good practice to keep message's size small since it should only contains references rather than data.
Serializing Messages
Because of the limitation stated above, serialize is actual quite simple:
def serialize(t: T): String
Just need to make sure that the serialized String only contains URL encoding characters.
Deserialize is:
def deserialize(s: String): F[T]
Where F
is F[_]: MonadError[?[_], Throwable]
to encapsulate error.
Low Level
1-2-1 implementation of SQS' API
- CreateQueue
- DeleteMessage
- DeleteMessageBatch
- ReceiveMessage
- SendMessage
- SendMessageBatch
High Level
NOTE: All xxxAsync
APIs are not suitable for FIFO queue because internally,
the client pulls multiple messages from SQS in parallel, hence, the ordering might
be lost.
Produce a message to SQS
Produce messages to SQS in batch
Read messages from SQS queue as T, for each message, apply process process
function and automatically acknowledge the message on completion of process
Suitable for FIFO and non-FIFO queue. The message is acknowledged one by one instead of batching.
Parallel read messages from SQS queue as a Stream of T, for each message,
apply process process
function and automatically acknowledge the
messages in batch.
Read messages from SQS queue as a Stream of T, automatically acknowledge messages before pushing T down the Stream.
Suitable for FIFO and non-FIFO queue. The message is acknowledged one by one instead of batching.
Parallel read messages from SQS queue as a Stream of T, automatically acknowledge messages BEFORE pushing T into the Stream.
Read N messages from the queue without acknowledge them.
Similar to peek
but return also a ReceiptHandle to manually acknowledge
messages and return up to maxRead
number of messages.
Similar to read
but return a Stream of ReceiveMessage.Result[T]
can be used to manually acknowledge messages.
Similar to reads
but read messages in parallel.
Acknowledge that a message has been read one by one.
Batch acknowledge that messages has been read.